Eine Weltsicht
When you have a sword,
everything looks like a head.
What is it that you fantasize about?
Do you fantasize about international fame?
A MTV Music Award?
What is it that you fantasize about?
Fantasies have to be unrealistic.
Because the moment, the second that you get what you seek,
you don’t, you can’t want it anymore.
What is it that you fantasize about?
In order to continue to exist,
desire must have its objects perpetually absent.
It’s no the „it“ that you want, it’s the fantasy of „it“.
So desire supports crazy fantasies.
This is what Pascal means when he says:
„We are only truly happy when daydreaming about future happiness.“
This is what Pascal means when he says:
„We are only truly happy when daydreaming about future happiness.“
We are only truly happy when daydreaming about future happiness.
What is it that you fantasize about?
So the lesson of Lacan is: living by
your wants will never make you happy.
What it means to be fully human is to strive to
live by ideas and ideals and not measure your life
by what you attained in terms your of desires
but those small moments of integrity.
The only way we can measure the significance of own lives is by valuing the life of others.
In dieser experimentellen Animation spürt Josep Prat Sorolla den Schnittstellen, und darin entstehenden Kollisionen, zwischen Farbe, Geometrie, Chaos und Ordnung nach.
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