

Gerade auf Veröffentlichen meines Fragenbuchs „Neugierland“ gedrückt und in wenigen Tagen ist es verfügbar!

Neugierland, ein Buch voller kurioser, neugieriger, mehr oder weniger sinniger Fragen und Denkereianstössen – auch ein tolles Geschenk *g

NEUGIERLAND Weiterlesen »

Bold steps

Austrian emperor Ludwig von Habsburg and duchess Sibyll von Wittgenstein-Pommern. The two founded the first open spaceports and thus triggered the first wave of space travel.

Fortune seekers, commodity traders, security providers, and lost people soon sought their fortune out there.

Waltraud the Younger, one of the first merchants entering space

One of the first shipyards, the Sybill Werke, still proudly bears the name of its founder.

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K&K in space

Slowly dive into a parallel timeline where kings, sheikhs, maharajahs, khans, popes shaped history. And visitors from the outside did not want to be hidden.

There are the ports. Mostly big and powerful. For all the ships that travel to and from the planets and systems.

And also to show: here is the power, here is the centre.

There are also supposed to be several unknown bases in remote areas. But there is stubborn silence about this.

But this search is likely to become dangerous

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