
As you can easily see, I am full of enthusiasm for my work and the implementation of our plans.

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“I think it’s terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other people’s expectations. They generally produce their worst work when they do that.(…) Always remember

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Gerade auf Veröffentlichen meines Fragenbuchs „Neugierland“ gedrückt und in wenigen Tagen ist es verfügbar! Neugierland, ein Buch voller kurioser, neugieriger, mehr oder weniger sinniger Fragen

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Baroness Doris von Quellbach

Baroness Doris von Quellbach conducted numerous expeditions from a young age to explore the sources of mana found since the Vatican’s invocation of the sacred

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Bold steps

Austrian emperor Ludwig von Habsburg and duchess Sibyll von Wittgenstein-Pommern. The two founded the first open spaceports and thus triggered the first wave of space

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