

“I think it’s terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other people’s expectations. They generally produce their worst work when they do that.(…) Always remember that the reason that you initially started working was, that there was something inside yourself that you felt, that if you could manifest it in some way you would understand more about yourself and how you co-exist with the rest of society.”

David Bowie

Because Weiterlesen »

Bold steps

Austrian emperor Ludwig von Habsburg and duchess Sibyll von Wittgenstein-Pommern. The two founded the first open spaceports and thus triggered the first wave of space travel.

Fortune seekers, commodity traders, security providers, and lost people soon sought their fortune out there.

Waltraud the Younger, one of the first merchants entering space

One of the first shipyards, the Sybill Werke, still proudly bears the name of its founder.

Bold steps Weiterlesen »

Old Japanese Photographies from University Nagasaki

Altes Japan in Fotografien

Die Universität von Nagasaki hat über 7000 Fotos zwischen 1853 und 1912 veröffentlicht. Die Bilder umfassen die von 1853 – 1868 dauernde Bakimatsu Periode und die Meiji Periode 1868 – 1912.

Vorsicht beim Copyright der Fotos, die Universität Nagasaki behält sich alle Rechte an den Bildern vor. Darum gibt es hier auch keine Einblicke in die Fotos die mich erstaunten.

Quelle: Japanese Old Photographs In Bakumatsu Meiji Period

Altes Japan in Fotografien Weiterlesen »

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